Taking direction from Rachel, I thought I would share 100 things that I am thankful for given that it is Thanksgiving! Keep in mind that these are not in any particular order. They are just spilling out of my head.
1.) Mom
2.) Dad
3.) Jared
4.) Adam
5.) Cocoa
6.) Princess
7.) Joker
8.) The Gospel
9.) My House
10.) BYU
11.) The Book of Mormon
12.) The Bible
13.) IKEA
14.) The Internet
15.) Modern Sanitation
16.) Medicine
17.) My Car
18.) House M.D.
19.) LOST
20.) Facebook
21.) My Heatlh
22.) Ninja Warrior
23.) London Fall 2007
24.) Grandma
25.) Extended Family
26.) My BYU Friends
27.) My Oregon Ffriends
28.) Dark Chocolate
29.) The Atonement
30.) Recycling
31.) The Food Network
32.) Rock Band
33.) Wii
34.) I-Tunes
35.) Panda Bears
36.) Scholarships
37.) College Football
38.) College Basketball
39.) Andy Warhol
40.) Ryan Air
41.) The Tube
42.) The US Embassy in London
43.) My Guitar
44.) Theater
45.) The Dollar Theater
46.) Sushi
47.) Tucanos
48.) Massages
49.) My Thick Hair
50.) Lasik
51.) Dogs
52.) Arrested Development
53.) Chuck Close
54.) Santa Cruz Organic Lemonade
55.) Vans Shoes
56.) The Office
57.) Sleep
58.) The Beatles
59.) My Sense of Humor
60.) Guacamole
61.) Photography
62.) So You Think You Can Dance
63.) Best of Will Ferrell SNL
64.) Internet Viral Videos
65.) Dimitri Martin
66.) Sarah Silverman
67.) Reality TV
68.) Music Videos
69.) Wikipedia
70.) The Beach
71.) The Mountains
72.) Yoga
73.) Basketball
74.) Tennis
75.) Soccer
76.) My Teeth
77.) Crutches
78.) Netflix
79.) Online Banking
80.) Expensive Things on Sale for Cheap
81.) ChaCha
82.) Cell Phones
83.) Classical Music
84.) My Country
85.) No Sales-Tax in Oregon
86.) Random Facts
87.) The Zoo
88.) Airplanes
89.) Colors
90.) Asian Food
91.) Vaccinations
92.) Ice Cream
93.) The Academy Awards
94.) Costco
95.) Caeser Salad
96.) General Conference
97.) Music
98.) Theme Parks
99.) Small Talk Conversation
100.) Blogs
Song Of Jamaica Plant
[image: Song of jamaica plant]
Song of jamaica plant
Plant Care Tips: Dracaena Song of Jamaica Direct sunlight, especially the
hot afternoon sun can scorc...
10 months ago