It's been ages since my last blog post. I actually have a really good story (likely not that good) but I am not motivated enough to write the whole thing right now. It involves picking up a stranger and driving her to the bus station. Also, it was one of the most stressful things ever.
Some things have happened since I have posted.
For one, I turned 21! I have still yet to use my 21ness to get into anywhere cool. I think the only thing I will use it for is concerts and sitting at the bar in restaurants. One time before I was 21 Didie and I sat at the bar at the California Pizza Kitchen in Hollywood and avoided a long wait. I felt so daring sitting there being so young (only 19 then I think)
Secondly, I went sky diving. It was completely spontaneous. At Curtis Papenfuss' farewell open house thing, I was talking with Chase and asked him what he was doing for his birthday the next day. He said sky diving and said I should come not really expecting me to say yes. Well, I said yes. We called up the place in Mollalla and added me to the group. It was me, Chase, and Tim West. It was such a nice day. My brothers, my mom, and Payton came and watched. So did Tim's parents, who I hadn't seen in a long time. Tim's dad makes amazing jerky by the way. Sky diving was pretty crazy. The plane ride up was a trip. We were packed in on these two benches, strattling them and esentially spooning in two lines. It got way trippy once we opened up the side and the first people jumped out. Then the guy strapped to my back said 'Let's Go' and I wobbled over and sat on the edge of a plane! 13,000 feet up in the air. Then before I knew it, we were going down! It was really cold during freefall and my eyes started to water because some of the air was still getting to them around my supercheap "goggles." Then, when we pulled the chute, it was warm and really pleasant. However, the harness was really weird on my left leg, and it pinched quite a bit. With that aside, it was way cool. I even got to steer the parachute. It was crazy when you pulled both sides down because it lifts you up and then it feels like you are not falling or moving or anything for a second. Not to long later, we landed smoothly. Heck Yeah!
Lastly, I got my job back at Coldstone. SOooooo if you live in Portland, you should visit me or something. :)
Well, It's really late and I have a dental appointment tomorrow morning so I better slumber. If I don't write about the crazy lady I transported soon, remind me.
Song Of Jamaica Plant
[image: Song of jamaica plant]
Song of jamaica plant
Plant Care Tips: Dracaena Song of Jamaica Direct sunlight, especially the
hot afternoon sun can scorc...
10 months ago