Sunday, July 25, 2010

Damien Rice

I want this for my means of transportation^

So I really have been into Damien Rice lately. His music is pretty raw and emotional. However, I can't really figure out what emotions they are. I get chills from several of his songs, but I don't know if is the lyrics, the crescendos, the tempo, or what. I guess it doesn't really matter, but I am curious about what other people think.

Is Damien Rice music sexy?
or just good.

You decide.

Also, does anyone have the song in this video?
"All Dressed Up" (?) by Damien Rice

Here are some random images I can get off my desktop by putting them in a blog post. haha.


Anonymous said...

i love damien rice. i label his music as suicide music though. its so depressing, but its perfect for a rainy day like today. i don't know... :D

- laura brightwood
love you babyboy

Meghan said...

Damien Rice is sexy.

Well he has a sexy singing voice. Obviously each songs will strike a different emotion. I feel like alot of the songs on 'O' are really moving and mellow. But '9' has some songs that sound a bit more peppy. But each son...g lyric is really emotional. But like I said each song is different. :/

as for the all dressed up question. It's actually the second half of the song Eskimo.

p.s. my fave right now on '9' is Coconut Skins, I'm listening to it right now!

Meghan said...

&&& he does a beautiful cover of 'Creep'

Also I was just thinking, he really can tap into gut emotions in a way that is raw but still worded so perfectly. He doesn't write cliché love songs or break up songs. He has an amazing ability to f...ill the listener with the intended emotions for each song with out telling them directly what they need to feel (if that makes sense)