* 122 Moleskine Notebooks
Guilty, used one for my journal in London
* #121 Funny or Ironic Tattoos
Totally like them, just don't have them. Two reasons I don't. Religion and fear of actually having to make a decision that I know will have lasting consequences. If I did get one I think I would get a recycling symbol on my left bicep or my back.
* #120 Taking a Year Off
I would really like to do this. I kind of did this with my study abroad, but that was only 4 months.
* #119 Sea Salt
* #118 Ugly Sweater Parties
I've been to my share.
* #117 Political Prisoners
Not so much.
* #116 Black Music that Black People Don’t Listen to Anymore
I think I listen more to black music that black people still do listen to. I don't like Jazz, but I love me some Motown. I guess I'll count it.
* #115 Promising to Learn a New Language
I promise to do so. I need to do it to graduate from the Honors Program.
* #114 America
I like America, but not any more than the average person I think. I think England is cooler.
* #113 Halloween
I like seeing people's creative costumes. However, I never really have a good one.
* #112 Hummus
* #111 Pea Coats
Fo Sho. I want another one. One that is shorter and makes me look less "Monk-like"
* #110 Frisbee Sports
I do, but not as much as a lot of people at BYU, keeping in mind that BYU is VERY white.
* #109 The Onion
I love the Onion and so does my mom. Fake news is hilarious and better than real news.
* #108 Appearing to Enjoy Classical Music
I really only like a few select pieces, but I have a lot on my i-tunes because it's nice to study to.
* #107 Self Aware Hip Hop References
* #106 Facebook
I do have updates sent to my phone...
* #105 Unpaid Internships
Paid would be nice, but I would love to name drop an organization that I interned for.
* #104 Girls with Bangs
It's true! I like harsh bangs a lot. However, not everyone can pull it off.
* #103 Sweaters
I like sweaters. Silly ones, nice ones, ones with ice cream cones on them...
* #102 Children’s Games as Adults
YES! I just love games.
* #101 Being Offended
I don't get offended that often, but when I do I talk a lot about the situation and try to get validation from others that I am right in being offended or my claims are correct.
* #100 Bumper Stickers
I love getting them, but I never put them on. Again, I don't like making decisions that actually matter in the future.
* #99 Grammar
I don't always have the best grammar, but I notice it big time when a sign or article or anything more formal than an email is written incorrectly. I constantly worry about how I might come off as if my grammar is really bad.
* #98 The Ivy League
I often mention that I have a friend at "said Ivy League School" whenever they come up. I'm jealous.
* #97 Scarves
I like them, but I have difficulty pulling them off. Maybe I'll try tomorrow.
* #96 New Balance Shoes
Guilty. But they were on sale!
* #95 Rugby
I wish I could play or know the rules, but I just wear a rugby shirt instead. It makes me look really tough and matches well with the scar above my eye. One Halloween I was a rugby player.
* #94 Free Healthcare
I wish there was an easy way for this to happen. I hate the health insurance business.
* #93 Music Piracy
I used to be big into Napster, then I was big into Kazaa (spelling?), now I am legit.
* #92 Book Deals
Sometimes I will buy a book just because it is on sale. I think it makes me feel smart when I buy books, but I don't do it that much because I don't read that much and books are expensive man! I guess that might be what libraries are for...
* #91 San Francisco
I really want to go there. Maybe this summer I will.
* #90 Dinner Parties
YES! I love food. I think I am a pretty good cook and like to cook for other people.
* #89 St. Patrick’s Day
I love the color green. Pinching people is a funny idea, but I never do.
* #88 Having Gay Friends
* #87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
Not so much, too expensive most of the time.
* #86 Shorts
I like shorts a lot. I get hot easily and would much rather be cold than hot. Shorts are nice for that. I also have several plaid pairs of shorts and people compliment me on them often.
* #85 The Wire
Never seen it, so...nope.
* #84 T-Shirts
I looooooooove t-shirts. I spend several hours a week on www.threadless.com. If a t-shirt is unique, funny, or just cheap, I will likely buy it.
* #83 Bad Memories of High School
I generally liked High School, but I don't like how most High School friends are just that, friends you had in High School.
* #82 Hating Corporations
I like unique and personal things, corporations are not quite those things.
* #81 Graduate School
Yay, higher education!
* #80 The Idea of Soccer
Yup, don't really watch it that much. It seems like soccer is a bigger part of my life than it really is. I like playing basketball more. It's less frustrating and one mistake isn't going to make that big of a difference.
* #79 Modern Furniture
It is so true.
* #78 Multilingual Children
Yeah! I'm gonna teach my kids the language I promise myself to learn, which is not yet determined.
* #77 Musical Comedy
Haha, sure.
* #76 Bottles of Water
Especially Nalgene water bottles. I feel complete when I am carrying a water bottle in the side of my backpack. I like the way it swishes.
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada
Canada sounds nice. Free healthcare, Degrassi, etc. America is too violent, political, powerful sometimes.
* #74 Oscar Parties
I like to make oscar picks and be more successful at it than someone else that I am watching the show with is.
* #73 Gentrification
I would love to fix up a house in a cool neighborhood. However, that takes effort, but if I could just buy it and someone could fix it up, I would be so down.
* #72 Study Abroad
Done-Fall 2007
* #71 Being the only white person around
Gonna hafta say no. I'm almost neve the only white person around.
* #70 Difficult Breakups
I think I don't usually let my relationships get deep enough that a breakup is that hard, but when I have I learn a lot about myself from breaking up. So in a weird way, I do like difficult breakups, even though they suck.
* #69 Mos Def
Indifferent to him.
* #68 Michel Gondry
I really liked Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and I like the video for "Fell in Love With a Gril" and I like Bjork videos, so yes I like Michel Gondry
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts
No way, I like to dance and/or mosh.
* #66 Divorce
Who likes divorce?
* #65 Co-Ed Sports
Who doesn't?
* #64 Recycling
Duh. I'm from Oregon.
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches
I love food. Often time, price isn't a big factor. This is one situation when my frugality is thrown out the window.
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
I tend to make generalizations about poor people and form opinions (even if they are sterotypical) based on epidemiological data and other statistics, but I rarely, if ever, vocalize them, but I realize that they are often stereotypes and seem wrong to say.
* #61 Bicycles
Again, I'm from Oregon, duh.
* #60 Toyota Prius
I do like Toyotas, but I haven't ever really been car shopping so I am pretty undecided on this one.
* #59 Natural Medicine
I like all types of medicine. Natural medicine is very intriging though.
* #58 Japan
I really want to go to Japan and see the Godzilla in the zoo and eat mounds of sushi and giggle like a school girl and then incorporate other stereotypes like going on a Japanese game show and stuff. I think Japanese stereotypes are some of the best stereotypes, good food, good entertainment, etc. I guess those are just the stereotypes that I choose to hold. Regardless, I want to go to Japan.
* #57 Juno
I loved this movie. Its so quirky and has an awesome soundtrack.
* #56 Lawyers
I like that some lawyers have the potential to do a lot of good, and I recognize that many are smart and very analytical, but there is something that make me hate lawyers sometimes. Lately, I have been watching a good amount of Law and Order so yeah, I guess I like lawyers. Plus, several extended family members are lawyers and its not good to hate your family, right?
* #55 Apologies
I feel like I need to apologize for a lot of things. I am sure some I don't need to. I feel guilty about how I came off to someone a lot. The funny thing is I often convince myself eventually that I don't need to apologize, so if there is not an easy or early opportunity to do so, I likely wont.
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets
YES! I love food and cool, weird ideas. I want a magic bullet.
* #53 Dogs
Oh yes! Especially puppies. I read this blog with pictures of puppies for quite a while one time. Another time I watched a live feed of these puppies for several days.
* #52 Sarah Silverman
She is so funny and so politically incorrect! "When life gives you AIDS, make lemonAIDS." :)
* #51 Living by the Water
Mostly for views, I really like views.
* #50 Irony
Almost daily I say "And the ironic thing is..."
* #49 Vintage
I do have a soft spot in my heart for thriftshops. I wish I had my vintage leather jacket still...
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
I prefer Trader Joes to Whole Foods, but same difference. I do love Costco though. Who doesn't? I want a muffin, pizza, and free samples now.
* #47 Arts Degrees
Me=Philosophy Minor
* #46 The Sunday New York Times
* #45 Asian Fusion Food
I love food. I especially love Asian Food.
* #44 Public Radio
Mostly in the summer, but yes.
* #43 Plays
Yeah, especially if it is an obscure play and I really like it. Then I tell everyone and tell my mom to tell everyone.
* #42 Sushi
Duh. So good. I want some shrimp tempura rolls with ginger now. There needs to be a 24 hour sushi place. I would frequent such a place, especailly if it was an an asian fusion place.
* #41 Indie Music
Yes please. www.pitchfork.com
* #40 Apple Products
I am writing this on my Mac, while my I-pod is charging and my I-tunes is playing.. If only I had an I-phone and I-TV.
* #39 Netflix
I say "that movie is in my netflix queue" at least once a week.
* #38 Arrested Development
I own all of the seasons and constantly make references when something like Burger King, "The Final Countdown," a hook for a hand, vertigo, segways, banana stands, etc. are mentioned and refer to the actors as their character names most of the time (especially Job).
* #37 Renovations
I feel very accomlished comparing an old version of something to the improved new thing.
* #36 Breakfast Places
Eggs in the City=amazing. Breakfast food is awesome.
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
Not as much recently, but generally yes. I think I got tired of them during the election coverage.
* #34 Architecture
I like architecture. I don't really get it much, but I know when I like how a building looks.
* #33 Marijuana
I love the smell of marijuana, but I have never smoked it and don't plan to.
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
I was a vegitarian once for 5 or so months. It was hard. I still like to eat vegan/vegitarian versions of food and go to vegan restaraunts. There are a lot of them in Portland.
* #31 Snowboarding
I do snowboard, but not as much as I would like to.
* #30 Wrigley Field
I don't like baseball.
* #29 80s Night
I love 80's music, style, drugs (just kidding). I was made in the 80's.
* #28 Not having a TV
It is really nice having a TV. You get a lot done. However, I like watching mindless shows too.
* #27 Marathons
I would really like to do a marathon sometime. It's one of my goals.
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
HAHA. I always have wanted to live in Manhattan, but recently I was thinking, Brooklyn might be cool too. It seems like a better culture and more indie! haha.
* #25 David Sedaris
People have told me on several occasions that I would like David Sedaris. I am only mildly familiar with him, but I guess I like what I have read from him.
* #24 Wine
I think I would be a total wine-o if I drank wine. It seems so dignified and cool to drink wine. I have a desire to be a wine expert.
* #23 Microbreweries
I'm from Portland! The most microbreweries in the world!
* #22 Having Two Last Names
Or two first names? Like Mortimer Matthew? haha. I actually don't get it when people have two last names.
* #21 Writers Workshops
I would love to write a screenplay or just a book. If I knew how, I could. Writers workshops could help me learn how.
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
This is explained at being marginally aquainted with foreign cultures. I do this a lot with food, film, and music. Therefore, MY culture is a lot more interesting. I am Dutch by the way.
* #19 Traveling
Heck yeah.
* #18 Awareness
Yup. Without awareness, how would we fix problems?
* #17 Hating their Parents
I don't hate my parents!
* #16 Gifted Children
TAG=Talented and Gifted=Me :)
* #15 Yoga
* #14 Having Black Friends
I have black friends.
* #13 Tea
Yum. The best is from the restaurant Merrakesh.
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations
* #11 Asian Girls
Sure. I like asian culture, food, film, why not asian girls? Plus there might be an increased chance of sushi, yoga, or tea when around asian girls.
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
That kind of sounds like my mom. I like being outside, but I am not that avid at actually going outside.
* #8 Barack Obama
I like Obama. I'm not die hard Obama, but I like him.
* #7 Diversity
I especially like diversity when it comes to restaraunt choices.
* #6 Organic Food
* #5 Farmer’s Markets
Double Yum.
* #4 Assists
I love making a good pass, whether it be in soccer or in basketball, or whatever. I think this may be because if the person who takes the shot after my awesome pass misses it, the play is still considered a good play. If I make a bad pass, there is no real chance of scoring that is defeated, so the error doesn't stick out as much as a missed shot. In other words, it minimizes risk of failure I think.
* #3 Film Festivals
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to
I am very interested in other religions.
* #1 Coffee
I love the smell of coffee. I also love coffee shops.
So all in all, only 12 of these things I don't really like or don't apply to me, but that is still over 90% that do fit.
(117, 87, 85, 71, 69, 67, 66, 46, 30, 22, 17, and 9 are the one's that don't fit.)
I am super white.
Song Of Jamaica Plant
[image: Song of jamaica plant]
Song of jamaica plant
Plant Care Tips: Dracaena Song of Jamaica Direct sunlight, especially the
hot afternoon sun can scorc...
10 months ago
I LOVE stuff white people like. one of the best books ever. so so funny. and this post was way too long, i stopped somewhere around gay friends...i can only procrastinate so much, ya know?
Yes, white people. Almost as good as Dutch people.
HAHAHA! Degrassi! That is the only reason i would ever consider moving to canada is to live where Degrassi is filmed.
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