The event that happened after our soccer game on Saturday made me decide to write an entire post on this. :)
I'll start out with a fun little occurrence that happened during our first game. We only had six players, so we were a man down and pretty darn tired since we hadn't played soccer in a while. I wouldn't be surprised if someone on our team wasn't feeling so hot. However, a player on the other team was the one complaining about feeling sick from running so much, which is quite sad if you think about it. We play on a very shortened field and his team had subs so he hadn't been running the whole time. Anyways, he tries to call on a sub during our throw-in, which you can't do. When the ref tells him he can't get the sub yet, he says that he is going to throw up. I was kind of sassy because we were losing so I said something like "just wait a minute, then you can throw up." Play goes on for a little bit and I score a goal. As I am running back to mid-field I turn to upset stomach kid and say "you can throw up now" and right as I utter the words "throw up" he throws up. I didn't know I had the superpower to make people vomit. Its not the coolest, but I could be an "extra-type" character in an X-Men movie, like the guy who can puff himself up like a puffer fish.
So that was the peculiar event that happened during the first game, but the second game might have topped it. The game itself didn't have anything too unusual, until most of the second half had expired. A guy on the other team got hurt somehow. I was suspicious that he was faking it and trying to waste time, but he was on the ground for a pretty long time so I started to believe him. Anyways, it was unfortunate that he got hurt, but I didn't feel bad at all because when he got hurt he was completely by himself. I was the closest person to him and I was twenty feet away, so I had nothing to do with the injury. Eventually, he got up and walked slowly off the field and spread out on the ground, just resting. The game ended and we started taking off our soccer stuff on the sideline.
Here is where the situation became blog worthy. We (we being our team) were grouped together talking about the game a bit when a guy from the other team approached us. He had some sort of accent, but I couldn't place where it was from. He tells us that he is not making any accusations, but a member of our team pushed the guy that got hurt in the back really hard three times in the first half. This would be a semi-normal thing to say, but he goes on and says that the injured guy has an MBA and kids and is going to get a good job and that was all in jeopardy because he got hurt during this game. He said he could be paralyzed. I start to get a "wtf" look on my face and look around and see similar faces. Then, the guy starts his speech over again since no one confessed and apologized. We were just confused as to why he is talking to us and why he is saying what he is. Again, he says he is not making any accusations, but the guy has an MBA. I continue to be speechless, but then I realize that really he is being pretty rude. He claims that we were being really poor sports, but what he was doing right then was poor sportsmanship. I interject and say "actually, you are making an accusation" and some other sassy comment about being offended that he was talking to us about something that was so ridiculous. By the way, I am somewhat editing what he said because they were not grammatically correct. For example, one of the times he said "I'm not making accusation." I forget the ending lines, but basically that is what happened.
First of all, the guy was not paralyzed. He walked off the field. Secondly, why wait until after the game to say anything. They should have said something to the player who was "playing dirty" in the first half or talked to the officials at the half. C, if his injury was from the roughing he got in the first half, he should not have played in the second half if his back was so sensitive. Also, what does a good job and an MBA have to do with anything? Since he has surpassed undergraduate level education, does that mean he is a superior individual and we should feel so bad for hurting (or not hurting) such a great mind?Psh! Lastly, he got hurt all by himself, so how could they pin the injury to us?! I was pretty incredulous that they even said anything like that to us, and I still am.
Lets see what happens at our next game.
Song Of Jamaica Plant
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Song of jamaica plant
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10 months ago
Haha, that was a good read. I, however, don't believe in your vomit inducing abilities. So next time I see you, I'd like to see for myself. Make me vomit.
That guys was crazy. but I suppose he had a point, the man DID have an MBA and 3 kids. You guys got nothing on that. ;)
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